Robert Bortins
President, Homeschool Now USA
CEO, Classical Conversations, Inc.
Homeschooled through high school, Robert Bortins went on to earn an industrial engineering degree from Clemson University. He believes that all parents are capable of homeschooling and that children learn best when they receive an education uniquely designed for their individual needs and learning styles.

Davis Carman
Secretary, Homeschool Now USA
President, Apologia Educational Ministries
Davis Carman got started on his homeschool adventure with a providential two-by-four on the side of his head. Twenty years into this journey, he hopes to share some of the lessons he’s learned along the way to help other families enjoy the most successful and satisfying home school possible.
Davis is passionate about his family. He and Rachael have been blessed with seven children. So far, three have graduated from their home school and one is a college graduate and married. Davis and his family live in North Carolina, where they enjoy the homeschooling adventure of a lifetime, complete with roller-coaster twists and turns and the occasional lazy river ride.
Davis served twelve years on the board of North Carolinians for Home Education (NCHE) as well as being the North Carolina Ambassador for the Home School Foundation since 2008. He is a founding board member of Homeschool Now USA.
He believes that if there was ever a time to homeschool, it is now!
Davis blogs at www.homeschoolcastles.com.

Chuck Hurst
Treasurer, Homeschool Now USA
Membership and Human Resources Director, HSLDA and Executive Director, HSF
Chuck Hurst became Home School Legal Defense Association’s membership director in 1989 and later added the title of director of human resources to his list of responsibilities. In 2001 Chuck became executive director of the Home School Foundation. Chuck started his career teaching at a small Christian school in the Chicago area, where he met his wife, Dianne, who was also a teacher. Chuck and Dianne homeschooled their three children, who have all graduated from college. They have a passion for mentoring and discipleship and love working to fill hundreds of Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes each year.

Gena Suarez
board member, Homeschool Now USA
Publisher and owner of The Old Schoolhouse, LLC
Gena Suarez, along with her husband Paul, publishes a trade publication for the homeschooling industry, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine. The Suarez parents have seven exclusively-homeschooled children, three of whom are still very small and just beginning. The other four have graduated and are busy pursuing their interests with great gusto.
Paul and Gena strongly believe that parents make the best teachers for their own children. Parents are in the unique position to understand their children’s learning styles, educational strengths and challenges, character traits, and emotional development. Because parents see the total child, they can develop a total education tailored to their individual needs.

Dana Wilson
board member, Homeschool Now USA
Dana Wilson and her husband Dan are the parents of five children, two of whom have disabilities. Their family’s homeschool journey began in the late ’90s because their oldest daughter’s academic needs could not be met and her physical abilities accommodated in the private and public schools in their town. Declaring, “Well, I did pass first grade on the first try, how bad can it be?” Dana checked out all six books on home education in her small town’s library, she and Dan attended a homeschool conference and the family’s course was changed. Already a speaker at women’s retreats and events, Dana began to share knowledge as she gained it about homeschooling and children with disabilities, finding an audience of parents eager to both listen and share their own experiences.
Dana and Dan have been privileged to serve on the board of Oklahoma’s state homeschool organization, Oklahoma Christian Home Educators’ Consociation (OCHEC) since 2006. Dan is currently the Vice President of the Board and Dana is the Secretary. Dana particularly enjoys speaking with parents who are just beginning their homeschool journey.

Sam Sorbo
Celebrity Spokesperson, Homeschool Now USA
Until just recently, Sam Sorbo was host of nationally syndicated The Sam Sorbo Show, weekdays. After high school in Pittsburgh, PA, Sam (Jenkins) Sorbo studied biomedical engineering at Duke University before pursuing a career in modeling. Modeling offered the opportunity to travel and learn languages; she is fluent in five. Sam moved to Los Angeles for acting, where dedication and perseverance gained her roles in several films, including Bonfire of the Vanities and Twenty Bucks, and TV shows, including “Chicago Hope” and “Hercules: The Legendary Journeys.” As Guest star on “Hercules” she met Kevin Sorbo, who swept her off her feet. They married in 1998 and she moved to New Zealand. While living in Auckland, Sam created and published a humorous and educational photo-book, Gizmoe: The Legendary Journeys, Auckland. Her second book, co-authored with Marius Forté, is The Answer: Proof of God in Heaven. In addition to her radio show, in 2015, Sam performed in the movies Hope Bridge and Just Let Go, winning “Best Supporting Actress” from the Utah Film Awards. She created “Miracle Man,” a 2016 television show produced by NBC and Sony. Her third book, out in 2016, is called They’re YOUR Kids: An Inspirational Journey from Self-Doubter to Home School Advocate. The Sorbos home educate their three children. Most recently, Sam co-wrote, produced, and co-starred in (with Kevin) a faith-based feature, Let There Be Light, due out Christmas, 2017. The film features Dionne Warwick, Travis Tritt, and the two Sorbo boys, and is exec-produced by Sean Hannity. (lettherebelightthemovie.com)